If you have access to TikTok, I urge you to check out one account, just for the absolute horror of it. And this is only one of hundreds of thousands I’m sure, but it’s one that was brought to my attention this week when I saw a video that was #stitched by Will Hitchens (an Instagrammer and Podcaster who regularly takes swipes at these so called Alpha Males on social media – @will_hitchens)
@thebradleybliss is the name of the account and he claims to be the TOP dating coach in America (unlikely).
The video is question is aimed at his clients, although I really, really hope he doesn’t actually have any. He starts the video with the bold claim “You are NOT supposed to get her wet.”
Yep, you read that right – this dating coach is teaching guys that you shouldn’t be getting your lady wet because…. wait for it…. “Women’s aren’t supposed to be wet.”
He then goes on to explain that while, yeah ok it is useful to have “it” create some moisture (“it” I assume is where he can’t bring himself to actually say the word “vagina”?) if there is too much then you, the man, will start slipping in and out and “it doesn’t become a very good experience.”
For the man. Fuck how the woman feels, right?! He advises “no more than 5 minutes of foreplay” for optimum pleasure for the man.
At first I thought this was a satire account but I don’t think it is (although he does also pretend to be his own twin brother so he may be a little strange) and he has plenty more questionable advice to ensure his fellow American’s NEVER GET LAID!!!! Or at least never please a woman ever. And he is by no means the only one out there.
What the actual fuck, people?
Is this where we are today, is this where (seemingly mostly American) men are? Is their hatred of women so strong, their view of women as simply servants/carers for their homes, children and men’s pleasure so deep that they are now making it so that sex is simply something that they enjoy? That women shouldn’t enjoy it, and that we shouldn’t expect to enjoy it?
What self-respecting man would simply bang away at his women with no lubrication simply because it feels better for him and fuck what she thinks? Bradley, mate, if she’s not wet she probably isn’t into either you or whatever scene you’re creating and you need to stop and make some adjustments, pretty damn quick. In fact if she isn’t wet for you then stay the hell away from her completely.
A bit like the 90s movie… “She’s just not that into you, Bradley.”
I have two daughters in their late teens/early twenties and I hear all sorts of stories about dating in the 2020s. Very few of them good. But this video just took the cake for me.
I am tired of hearing these 30-40 something year old men, with their pumped up muscles and their microphones, shoving their opinions about women, our bodies and our lives, down everyone’s throats with the entitlement and audacity that can only come with being a man, and with NO CLUE what they are talking about. Some of them are confused as to how women pee with a tampon in for fuck’s sake! Is anyone actually taking advice about sex from someone who doesn’t know anything about women’s anatomy?
Do these men even have girlfriends? Apparently you are washed up by the time you’re 25 and they mostly date 18 year old babies so I’m guessing the guys they are talking to are using this advice to get God fearing girls to succumb to their “charms” before they know any better.
There will be a whole generation of women having abysmal sex with entitled pricks who have convinced them that it’s not for them to enjoy, while they cook, clean, look after their kids and run their lives. This makes me sad. I thought we had come a long way from the 1950s. For fucks sake it’s 2024 – almost 75 years later and we are going backwards!
Not only that but these guys also teach their “students” that it’s OK for them to sleep with other women once their wives pop out the babies because it’s normal to lose their sexual desire for that women simply because she is the mother of their kids!!
I know that this is only a small section of society and not everyone feels this way. I know that before people probably thought this but they didn’t have the platform to put it out into the world and so maybe it isn’t new, but it’s new to me and I’m pissed off!
AND, if young boys/young men are seeing even a small section of these videos, how many of them may be influenced by it?
The recent speech by Harrison Butker (check it out on TikTok if you haven’t seen it – but bear in mind he takes a swipe at anyone who isn’t a straight, white, Christian man) at a graduation ceremony really brought to our attention how certain types of people view women’s place in the world and we have seen what has happened across the pond in the last few years, with women’s rights being stripped back. How long before this spreads to the UK and other countries. It might have seemed funny that there are people out there who think like this at first, but we must be offended and outraged. We must educate our younger generation and re-educate the older ones. These menĀ are so certain that they are right and that they are in charge of women. They don’t want you to have a job, be independent, have a degree. They just want you barefoot and pregnant while they do whatever they want.
Of course if you want to be barefoot and pregnant then bloody marvellous, but these guys aren’t up for giving you that choice.
Another horrific thing that comes out of these videos is the vile slut shaming. Talk of “bodycounts” and not in the normal “how many people have you murdered” way. Men are obsessed with how many people we’ve slept with and then proceed to tell us that our vaginas will stretch if we sleep with multiple partners because too much dick does that to a girl. But not if you sleep with the same guy every day for the rest of your life…. it’s only multiple partners that give you a wizard’s sleeve apparently. So it’s not about how much action you’re getting, it’s just about whether or not you’re “being a good girl”. How about we reverse the narrative and start telling men that too many partners will whittle their little dicks away?
I could rant on about this for days. There is so much more out there that outrages me, and it seems to be never ending – something new every day. I should probably stop watching the videos that my algorithm throws up on my FYP, but if we ignore it, if we don’t comment on it, won’t it just get worse? And please, PLEASE, can all men stop referring to women as “females”. It just sounds so dismissive and derogatory – which of course it is meant to.
Anyway, tell me what you think about the state of dating, and tell me your own horror stories in the comments below.
Kisses, Lexie xx